
Ostrich - Speak... Hell what more can i say???!!!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Days later...

It’s been an ultra-exciting 3 days and I’ve taken a while to recover. I went for the Mark Knophler Concert with Boomsa. I was a lackluster Ostrich when we walked through the gates, but two songs into the show I really started grooving. By the time “Telegraph Road” came on I was BALLISTIC with happiness! All those people who said he looked like an old man just come in from the office to play a gig, I’m working up a really gigantic gob of spit for your iris. Really, it’s unbelievable that one would expect him to jump around and be overtly energetic. It’s like taking everything that’s great about him and nuking it to hell. The best thing about him is that quiet, sophisticated violence; it’s a mix that smells like soap and water…fresh, natural, just so damn Present. And no matter how advanced in years he might be, he has that incredible swagger that only certain British rock n’ rollers can carry off with élan. That elusive quality of being able to just shoot off trembling, vibrating energy while standing fairly stationary. And OH! Those thumbs! They seem even longer in…well not in person… but on the giant screen showing close-ups. Even Marks get the Blues! I’d stop and give him a lift, anytime. I jumped, I screamed, raised my arms in mass exultation and had a fabulous, almost sufi-ish spiritual experience. After the concert Boomsa and I went off in search of our good friend Beer.

At the witching hour I turned 24, on a day that greeting card companies cash in on. A belated women’s day shout out to all my lady friends…and some of my man friends who are more lady than my lady friends, Cheers!

In the spirit of growing older, we drank scotch instead of regular whisky. So much tipple, it made me topple. But not before we bayed passionately till 3 AM, courtesy my very wonderful fret-nimble friends (Prakki & Raveen) and my brand new birthday guitar. Songs sung blue and songs sung black included:-

Anarchy in the UK (Don’t ask how we managed on an acoustic guitar, but as a group we had enough spirit…pardon the pun…to carry it through)
Rooster, Would?, Man in a Box and various other Alice in Chains songs
Boomsa’s Etta James song (loverly)
Lasagna (sung to the tune of La Bamba)
An assortment of Police Songs (Yes, including a shrieky Roxanne)
Hendrix’s Angel (Had great fun with it)
Kick out the jams
Like a Rolling Stone
Several Joplin songs... of course!
A very, VERY strange version of mouth for war

I’d tell you more about the party, but I can’t remember…therefore, it must have been good

Spent the next day recovering…Hung-over but happy. Not going to do that again for a long time. There’s only so much abuse my body can take….*hic*…


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Manish Bhatt said...

Ooh, shudda been there, at least to witness 'Kick Out The Jams' and maybe bring some 'comfortably numb' and 'I shall be released' to the fold. :-D

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Ostrich said...

yes indeed!

At 3:01 AM, Blogger arthur decko said...

that sounds like quite the fun party.

so are his thumbs as long as Sissy Hankshaw's in "even cowgirls get the blues"?

At 3:42 AM, Blogger Ostrich said...

I would have to say yes!!!

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I loved Police waaaay back in the day. Ah, the high school years (wouldn't go thru that again for anything!!!)

And parties where you can't remember everything that happened but managed to make it home unscathed anyway are THE BEST, aren't they??? ;)

At 8:03 PM, Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

So glad you had a great time! Even if you can't remember it clearly, I have news footage... Also, when my alarm clock went off this morning, the first song I heard was 'Sultans of Swing' =)

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Ostrich said...

Stacy- Police fan huh, Fabulous! I love 'em too. Own everything they ever recorded. And hazy parties ARE the best!!!! Providing you don't get sick or misbehave!

Livewire- Thanks man! And that's a nice way to wake up

At 9:45 PM, Blogger JP said...

Cheers, sounds like a great time, the show and the birthday. Scotch is too posh for me as I have recently discovered to my chagrin and disgrace.

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Ostrich said...

Posh? pish tosh...anything that sports a man in a skirt is a free for all. Consider it whiskey with a bit of minced almonds mixed in! Its wonderful to have a Naval Ration card!

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Roger Stevens said...

It was your birthday then?


Tell us about the new guitar.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Ostrich said...

Thank you very much Roger. *hug*, it seems you've been getting lots of those lately! Well, the guitar is an acoustic with a pick up. While its not a yamaha or anything, it has a lovely bright tone and a nice cherry, sunbursty finish. The action is slightly low, but i really haven't tuned it up to concert pitch yet. I'm still enjoying the respite that loose strings give my out-of-practice fingers. Need some time to callous up! I'm a terrible guitar player really! It's primarily for songwriting. Loving it very much! Had a nice quiet evening by myself the other evening picking away on the balcony watching a glowing red Indian sunset...

At 4:06 AM, Blogger Rat said...

Ostrich !! Wish i had come for the concert .
Love this blog. Your other one is a little to cerebral for a duffer like me :)
Hugs !!!


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